Welcome to
Sexaholics Anonymous Ontario

Women in SA.

Are you a woman looking for help? Email womensoutreach@saontario.org to connect directly with a woman in the program!

Women in SA

“Sexaholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover.” (SA 201)



If you are concerned about your sexual thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviours, you are in the right place – it takes great courage to seek help. Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) is a program that has helped many people, including women, to find freedom from sex addiction and we encourage you to give the program a try. 


The first meeting can feel a little overwhelming, so it is recommended that you try at least 6 meetings before you decide if SA is for you.  The number of women in SA is growing, however it isn’t uncommon for a woman to be in the minority in a meeting where there may be mostly men. Please don’t let this discourage you. Although for some this can feel a little uncomfortable in the beginning, you will soon come to realize that we all share a common problem to which there is a common solution:  The Twelve Steps of recovery practised in a fellowship.


Recovery can look different for everyone which is why SA offers meetings that are both mixed-gender as well as women’s only.  It is recognized that there can be great benefit to our recovery by attending mixed-gender meetings, as the problem of sex addiction, the solution, and the design for recovery is the same for men and women alike.  It is also our common experience that many women benefit greatly from the sense of safety, camaraderie, and fellowship offered in meetings where only women attend.  It is suggested that you find where you’re most comfortable, and start there!   Be gentle with yourself and give yourself time to listen to the experience, strength and hope of those who have come before you in the program.  The problem of sex addiction doesn’t develop overnight, so it takes time to orient yourself to the program and to accept recovery as a new way of life.


Attending meetings and working with a sponsor are crucial aspects of this program.  A sponsor is a fellow traveller in the program – someone who is in recovery from sex addiction and is willing to carry the message, share with others how they worked the 12steps of the program, and guide others to do the same.  An important note is that women sponsor women and men sponsor men.  The best way to find a sponsor is to go to meetings and listen for women who have the recovery you seek and are available to sponsor. Women’s only meetings are especially helpful in the process of finding a sponsor.


When considering whether SA is right for you, it is very helpful to speak with another woman in the program.  The Women’s Outreach Coordinator of theOntario Intergroup is a woman whose role it is to provide support and guidance for women inquiring about SA.  A great first step is to reach out to her via email and she can provide you all the information you need about the program, answer any questions you have, and also provide you an idea of how to find meetings, including a list of women’s only meetings most of which are held virtually.

The Ontario women’s only meeting, “Women in Recovery”, meets virtually on Zoom everyone Monday night from 8-9pm EST. If this interests you, please inquire by email for the Zoom information.


Reaching out can feel hard, so take the first step by emailing womensoutreach@saontario.org to speak with a woman in recovery who can guide you. One step at a time, one day at a time, freedom from sex addiction is possible.

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